We hold a number of annual events to celebrate and recognize the talented members of the department.
- Fall Welcome Back BBQ & Potluck
We hold a potluck where members of the department are invited to a bbq and potluck that celebrates the end of summer and the start of the new year. This event is typically held at a faculty members house, with Emeritus Bruce Tiffney as a past host for many years and Professor Phil Gans stepping in as the new host.
- Distinguished Alumni Reception
Each year the department selects two alumni to celebrate, one from academia and one from industry. We recognize these individuals by presenting this award at a special colloquium each fall, where each honoree speaks a bit about their lives and what led you them to where they are today. The colloquium is followed by a reception on the rooftop of Webb Hall.
Learn about this years honorees!
- Graduate Student Research Review
This poster session is an annual event in the spring where all grad students showcase their ongoing research. Faculty, deans, alumni, and other visitors attend and discuss with the grads the research they are currently working on. This annual event prepares the grads to eventually present at national conferences such AGU and GSA.
- Undergraduate Senior Thesis Research Review
The Senior Thesis poster session, which takes place close to the end of Spring quarter, showcases the work of all senior theses scholars in the department. This event, for which all scholars prepare a scientific poster on their 9-month research project, is a celebration of their hard work and a venue for them to present their results to faculty, grad students, and other undergrads in the department. It is open to friends and family, and refreshments are provided.
- Department Spring Picnic
Sometime in the spring quarter, the first year grads organize the annual department picnic at a park of their choosing. They are collectively responsible for working with the Earth Science staff to reserve a place, buy food and drinks, organize games, and plan other activities.
Ticket sales typically begin in mid-April and will be announced via email. Family and friends of any Earth Science faculty, staff and students are welcome to attend. To purchase tickets, contact any of the first year grads at gs-grads-year1@geol.ucsb.edu or the Graduate Program Assistant, Quinlan Dougherty at quinlan@ucsb.edu.
- Department Awards Ceremony
This annual event occurs late in the spring when the department chair presents graduate and undergraduate students with various departmental awards. Many of the awards include financial prizes that are endowed or supported by alums who want to encourage and reward outstanding research and citizenship among our students.
The annual Department Awards Ceremony occurs on the last Thursday of the quarter, one week before finals. The event takes place in Webb Hall 1100, starting at 2:00pm. Immediately following the awards ceremony is a rooftop barbeque organized by our very own undergraduate geology club, the Muckers. Anyone associated with the department is welcome to attend.