
Geochronology research at UCSB focuses on quantifying the timing and tempo of a range of geologic processes.
Petrology, Geochemistry and Volcanology research at USCB uses a wide variety of approaches to understand the evolution of Earth through time.
Geophysicists use physical principles and quantitative data analysis to probe parts of the Earth we cannot otherwise access.
Surface process, sedimentologic, and hydrologic research at UCSB uses advanced field and lab techniques to explore processes, rates, and controls of erosion and deposition, interpretation of the stratigraphic record, and the flow of fluids.
Structure and tectonics seeks to define how and why deformation occurs within the earth at scales from mineral fabrics to lithospheric plates.
Asphalt volcano known as Il Duomo located in the Santa Barbara Channel
Biogeochemistry and Geobiology at UCSB focuses on organisms and their rich environmental context including chemical cycling, evolution and interactions with the Earth System.
Paleobiology encompasses the study of the interface between extant biology and Earth history to elucidate/understand the evolution and diversification of life in time and space from its origins to the present day.
Paleoceanography and Paleoclimatology research at UCSB focuses on utilizing past archives of climate change on timescales of hundreds to millions of years to understand the past, present and future evolution of the Earth System.