Personnel and Payroll
Support for all matters related to personnel and payroll and is divided into three areas: academic, staff and student. Additional information, including the staff member responsible are listed below.
Academic Personnel
Responsible for recruitment, appointment and advancement (merit and promotion) for faculty appointments (senate, affiliated, emeriti) and continuing and temporary lecturers. In charge of processing faculty summer salary transactions as well as assisting with any payroll issues.
Staff contact: Yann Ricard
Staff Personnel
Responsible for staff and non-academic student appointments including recruitment, leave accruals and payroll issues. Assists with Kronos timekeeping to make sure everyone is listed properly for the sign off of the timekeeping manager.
Staff contacts: Jaima Ortega (Kronos and recruitment only) and Patricia Machuca
Student Personnel
Responsible for all student academic appointments, including TAs, readers, associates and graduate student researchers.
Staff contact: Quinlan Dougherty