Matt Rioux receives Distinguished Teaching Award

Matt Rioux recieved a Distinguished Teaching Award from the Academic Senate on April 30th. The award was in recognition of his engaging teaching style and the enthusiasm he brings to his students. Congratulations Matt!
"Dr. Matt Rioux develops courses in Earth Science that engage students and provide them with state-of-the-art understanding. His commitments to student engagement and innovative research have inspired his students to become science teachers and created a rich learning experience for all. For example, Prof. Rioux, a leading authority on ophiolites, developed the dual undergraduate-graduate hybrid course “Field Petrology”, which focuses on Oman’s unique geological features and concludes with a two-week field trip to the country. Such on-the-ground research opportunities promote deeper engagement with the field as well as intercultural appreciation and exchange. Students and colleagues affirm that Matt’s intellectual curiosity and enthusiasm have transformed student experience and innovated departmental curricula. As one student writes, Dr. Rioux is highly regarded in the department “not only because of his teaching style, but also because of his genuine and caring attitude towards his students.” For his creation of rigorous learning environments while encouraging the free flow of questions and ideas, we are pleased to recognize Dr. Matt Rioux with the Distinguished Teaching Award."