Andy Wyss


Office Location

Webb 1112


Vertebrate Paleontology, Mammalian Systematics



I have a broad range of paleobiological interests centering on questions of mammalian evolutionary history. Phylogenetic analysis and the application of mammalian paleontology to geological problems are principal themes of my current research. Recent systematic work focuses on the evolutionary relationships between extinct South American "hoofed" mammals, marsupials, and rodents. My geologic interests center on several tectonic and stratigraphic questions in the Andean Main Range of central Chile.



B. J. Shockey, J. J. Flynn, D. A. Croft, P. B. Gans, A. R Wyss. 2012. New leontiniid Notoungulata (Mammalia) from Chile and Argentina : comparative anatomy, character analysis, and phylogenetic hypotheses. American Museum Novitates, no. 3737. Pp. 1-64.

O. C. Bertrand, J. J. Flynn, D. A. Croft, A. R. Wyss. 2012.Two New Taxa (Caviomorpha, Rodentia) from the Early Oligocene Tinguiririca Fauna (Chile).  American Museum of Natural History Novitates, no. 3750. Pp 1-36.

R. Charrier. D. A. Croft, J. J. Flynn, L. Pinto, A. R. Wyss. 2012. Mamíferos fósiles cenozoicos en Chile: implicancia paleontológicas y tectónicas. Continuación de investigadciones iniciadas por Darwin en América del Sur.  In “Darwin y la evolución: avances en la Universidad de Chile”. A Veloso & A Spotorno (eds.). Editorial Universitaria, Santiago de Chile.

J. J. Flynn, R. Charrier, D. A. Croft, and A. R. Wyss. 2012. Cenozoic Andean Faunas Shedding New Light on South American Mammal Evolution, Biogeography, Environments, and Tectonics. In, Bones, Clones, and Biomes: The History and Geography of Recent Neotropical Mammals, pp. 51-75.  B. D. Patterson & L. P. Costa, eds. University of Chicago Press.

X. Ni, J. J. Flynn and A. R. Wyss. 2012. Imaging the inner ear in fossil mammals: High-resolution CT scanning and 3-D virtual reconstructions. Palaeontologia Electronica. Article number: 15.2.18A


L. Ranivoharimanana, C. F. Kammerer, J. J. Flynn & A. R. Wyss. 2011. New material of Dadadon isaloi (Cynodontia, Traversodontidae) from the Triassic of Madagascar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology, 31:6, 1292-1302 


X. J. Ni, J. J. Flynn and A. R. Wyss. 2010. The bony labyrinth of the early platyrrhine primate Chilecebus. Journal of Human Evolution 59(6): 595-607.

T. E. Macrini, J. J. Flynn, D. A. Croft and A. R. Wyss. 2010. Inner ear of a notoungulate placental mammal: anatomical description and examination of potentially phylogenetically informative characters. Journal of Anatomy 216(5): 600-610.

C. F. Kammerer, J. J. Flynn, L. Ranivoharimanana and A. R. Wyss. 2010. The first record of a probainognathian (Cynodontia: Chiniquodontidae) from the Triassic of Madagascar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 30(6): 1889-1894.

J. J. Flynn, S. J. Nesbitt, J. M. Parrish, L. Ranivoharimanana and A. R. Wyss. 2010. A New Species of Azendohsaurus (Diapsida: Archosauromorpha) from the Triassic Isalo Group of Southwestern Madagascar: Cranium and Mandible. Palaeontology 53: 669-688.



A. A. Carlini, M. R. Ciancio, J. J. Flynn, G. J. Scillato-Yane and A. R. Wyss. 2009. The Phylogenetic and Biostratigraphic Significance of New Armadillos (Mammalia, Xenarthra, Dasypodidae, Euphractinae) from the Tinguirirican (Early Oligocene) of Chile. Journal of Systematic Palaeontology 7(4): 489-503.



K. E. Sears, J. A. Finarelli, J. J. Flynn and A. Wyss. 2008. Estimating body mass in New World "monkeys" (Platyrrhini, Primates), with a consideration of the Miocene platyrrhine, Chilecebus carrascoensis. American Museum Novitates (3617): 1-29.

C. F. Kammerer, J. J. Flynn, L. Ranivoharimanana and A. R. Wyss. 2008. New material of Menadon besairiei (Cynodontia : Traversodontidae) from the Triassic of Madagascar. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 28(2): 445-462.

J. J. Flynn, R. Charrier, D. A. Croft, P. B. Gans, T. M. Herriott, J. A. Wertheim and A. R. Wyss. 2008. Chronologic implications of new Miocene mammals from the Cura-Mallin and Trapa Trapa formations, Laguna del Laja area, south central Chile. Journal of South American Earth Sciences 26(4): 412-423.
