Aaron Bufe

PhD Winter 2017


Rates and mechanics of fold uplift and lateral bedrock planation in convergent foreland basins.Research Area(


Doug Burbank


UCSB Regents Special Fellowship, 2011/12

Graduate Opportunity Award, 2012/13

German Academic Exchange Service, 2012/13

GSA Graduate Student Research Grant, 2014

Lloyd and Mary Edwards Field Studies Fellowship, 2012/13





My interests lie in the processes that interact to shape the surface of the earth. Currently, I focus on combining field work and various geochronological techniques with analogue models to study the interaction between actively uplifting folds and mixed bedrock-alluvial rivers. In addition, I study records of late Pleistocene uplift of active detachment folds in the foreland of the Tien Shan in Northwest China and combine them with rates of decadal deformation obtained by interferometric synthetic aperture radar (InSAR). Finally, I used uranium-lead dating on detrital zircon for a collaborative project of sediment provenance in the Pamir-Tian Shan collision zone.


EARTH 20: Geological Catastrophes (Teaching Assistant), W15

EARTH 103: Structural Geology (Teaching Assistant), W12/W14

EARTH 176:  GIS applications in Geological Sciences (Teaching Assistant), S14

EARTH 176:  GIS applications in Geological Sciences (Teaching Associate), S15